Friday, March 18, 2011

Worst news

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Health update

It was brought to my attention recently that I am about ten pounds under weight. I honestly didn't realize my health had deteriorated to that extent, so for the last four days I had gone on a new weight gain diet. Now I'm not doing anything stupid like stuffing my face with fast food or junk food or starch like some people would do. I have been taking a healthier approach to it.

Until recently all I would have for breakfast was an apple, so instead of just having an apple I would have waffles, toast, or pancakes with a glass of 2% milk. The reason for it being 2% is because the whole stuff is too fatty for me, plus I prefer the flavor and texture of the 2%. My lunches have been fine so I haven't really been touching them. Now for dinner instead of just having a piece of fruit or salmon I have been having either steak, sausage, fish with an apple, or chicken breast.

No I haven't been eating pasta and most likely won't start because as of late it has been leaving a sickening taste in my mouth. My goal is to gain somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds. I will be keeping any person who happens to stumble across this blog updated. And something tells me that the people who informed me of this has accessed my private info and found this blog and are using it to keep tabs on me. No I'm not a conspiracy theorist, there has been a history of it happening in the past and aren't putting anything past them.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Final thoughts on the super bowl

Where I'm at now it's just over an hour until the super bowl starts, so I decided to give my last thoughts before it becomes irrelevant.
In my opinion there is no point in even pretending to care about the game if your states team isn't playing. Even if the my states team was playing I still wouldn't care personally. The only reason why I can think of as to why people care so much about sports is because they can't do it themselves. Now I'm not pretending that I'm good at it myself; all I'm saying is that the most likely reason as to why people obsess over the silly games is because they can't play it themselves.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who cares about the Super Bowl?

Tomorrow is Super Bowl 35, and I just couldn't careless. When most people say that it's because their favorite team isn't playing, but for me it's just that I don't care for football. I tried watching games before, but it's just too damned boring for me. Watching people fight over a ball and running down a field with it isn't what I call a good time. I may be one of the only American males saying this, but screw football.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm going to be taking a break

For nearly a year now I have been doing a LOST/Walking dead podcast every week, and truth be told I'm getting a little bored of it. After this weeks episode I'm going to be taking a couple weeks break from it. After a while, if you don't take any breaks, something like this can become tedious. If any of you who read this blog also listen to the podcast that I'm referring to, then you won't be hearing from me for a while.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lucky me

Earlier today I was browsing the internet and found out that some of my old toys are actually worth money. The most valuable one I saw sold for over $150 and the cheapest thing I have is going for forty bucks.
The only thing stopping me from selling them is that in three if my items the batteries died, I don't know if anybody will be willing to buy something without the batteries. Let me know if anyone of you would by a collectible item without the batteries.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The blizzard of 2010

For those living in New York you will remember the snow storm that took place just a couple of weeks ago, and chances are talking about how bad it was. That really gets on my nerves. People complain that it was horrible and that the snow plows weren't there the moment the snow stopped. Since we did we complain so much? The plows were here two days after it snowed. Like we aren't capable of doing anything until the snow plows come. You need to pick up a shovel and dig yourself out you pussy. It's snow. Even if you were running low on food and you didn't dig your car out yet then you can walk to the nearby grocery.
There will also be another snow storm coming tonight, and I swear if I hear people complain about "what a nightmare" it was I'm going to shoot myself.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

I know it's a little late but it time that I take back my previous post. It turns out this year I actually got some nice things, and for once I'm the one that ended up giving people the crappy gifts. I got an Egyptian pictograph and a katana. It might not have been the one that I was looking for but it's still pretty nice, for a sword made out of stainless steel. For those of you that don't know stainless steel is the cheapest material you can make a sword out of. Aside from that it looks very nice. I also took the liberty pf buying myself a sword as well, but this one is made out of high carbon, and has a dagger hidden in the sheath.
I guess I should have seen this coming, though. Whenever I don't do what I intended to do (in this case give people nice gifts), I always end up regretting it in the end.