Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

I know it's a little late but it time that I take back my previous post. It turns out this year I actually got some nice things, and for once I'm the one that ended up giving people the crappy gifts. I got an Egyptian pictograph and a katana. It might not have been the one that I was looking for but it's still pretty nice, for a sword made out of stainless steel. For those of you that don't know stainless steel is the cheapest material you can make a sword out of. Aside from that it looks very nice. I also took the liberty pf buying myself a sword as well, but this one is made out of high carbon, and has a dagger hidden in the sheath.
I guess I should have seen this coming, though. Whenever I don't do what I intended to do (in this case give people nice gifts), I always end up regretting it in the end.

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