Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just a reminder

I just wanted to remind you that I have a new episode of the podcast this Saturday. The subject is time travel in movies, t.v., and games. Anyone who wants is free to call in or listen. You can find it on talkshoe called "Faraday's Geekcast".

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Attention LOST fans

If you are a fan of LOST and miss the show I have good news for you. Every Tuesday night at 9 o' clock EDT, Station 7 has a LOST rewatch. The podcast acts as an audio commentary for the episode and all are encouraged to call in. If you are interested to learn more about the podcast go to talkshoe and search Station 7; or you can check out the forum at

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Simpsons too?

I can't believe it. They managed to make a bad Simpsons episode, they made a musical. I'm not kidding. Last nights episode of The Simpsons was a musical, and not even a full musical. Only Lisa's story was a musical, making this episode half assed. Not only do they have the audacity to make a musical, but they don't even make the entire Lisa story a musical. I'm not saying I wanted it to be a full musical, but you shouldn't do anything half assed. I sure hope the season only gets better from here.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I take it back

I know this post probably should have been posted five days ago, but better late then never. On my podcast I recommended that people checked out Hawaii Five-0 and the new season of Castle, what a mistake that was. Hawaii Five-0 turned out to be exactly what I thought it wouldn't be, your typical cop show. It was a chore just to sit through the pilot, and if Flash Forward taught us anything the pilot is usually the best episode.
Even Castle faired worse than I thought it would. By the time the episode was half over I already figured out the greater part of what was going on, and when I can do that it is usually a bad sign.
So far the only shows that are still standing are The Good guys, The Office, and The Simpsons. Let's hope that The Simpsons don't screw up too. If they do I'll be super pissed.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Earth (The book)

I went to borders today to pick up Jon Stewart's new book "Earth (the book)", and I have to say I wasn't disappointed. Before you go out and buy it I want to let you know it isn't written like a regular book. At the begining of each chapter Jon opens with a couple of paragraphs discussing the topic of the chapter and at the end of the chapter has an alien Q & A session discussing the chapters topic. In the body of each chapter there are pictures and paragraphs.
Some of the chapters in the book are about Life , Society, Commerce, and culture. The book is beautifully crafted satire on the subjects and I recommend this book to everyone. The book is 239 pages of entertainment that I recommend that everyone at least reads.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Office is back!

That's right everybody the best comedy on NBC has returned yesterday for it's new season, but it's not all good news. This season is the last one where Steve Carell stars as the character Micheal Scott. I don't know what the show will be like without Steve but I know it will probably go into a downward spiral until it gets canceled. Showing The Office without Micheal Scott is like taking away..., I can't come up with a good comparison but you get the point. It's not like me to drop a show, but once Steve Carell leaves I might just drop it. Until that time comes let us just enjoy the new season.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rally to restore sanity

Just in case you've been living under a rock the past week I want to fill you in on Jon Stuarts "Rally to restore sanity". He announced it Monday night on his show and it has been a popular subject. I'll leave you a link to the official site but I'll still give you the gist of it. On October 30, 2010 Jon Stuart will be hosting a rally in Washington D.C. from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. On the same night that Jon announced his rally Steven Colbert announced his "March to keep fear alive" that will be taking place at the same place at the same time, so chances are it's the same event going on in a different name. If you are interested click on the link below.

This weeks weather...

It is fall and yet we are having August temperatures. It has been in the 80's to 90's most of the week and from what I hear tomorrow is worse still. If this, along with the melting of the polar ice caps, doesn't prove global warming I don't know what will. I just hope it rains soon because I don't know how much longer I can take this.

On an unrelated subject the blogs facebook page is up. Go ahead and join the facebook group if you feel like.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NBC picks up pilot for Terry and Emerson's new show

For those of you who were hoping that Terry o'Quinn and Micheal Emerson would work on a show together again I have good news, NBC picked up the pilot for that very show. It was originally going to be called Odd Jobs, but is now officially untitled. Seeing how the pilot isn't even shot yet it will still be a while until it airs, but at least we know that we are getting it.

Happy LOST day

On September 22, 2004 the TV phenomenon LOST started. To commemorate LOST's sixth anniversary I will link you to the best LOST inspired song entitled "I'll Never Be LOST Again" made by the Injustice -league.
On behalf of the DeGroots, Alvar Hanso, and all of us here at the DHARMA Initiative; Thank you, Namaste, and good luck.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have no idea how I managed to do this but somehow I hit myself on the head with a window, I'm not joking. I was trying to open it a little more when it came out of it's track, bounced of my head and knocked everything I had on my dresser off. If I didn't still have my hands on the window when it came off I would probably have a concussion right now. Thankfully there was minimal damage. All that broke was a picture frame and the base to the statue of liberty I got two years ago. From now on I'm going to be much more cautious when opening that window.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Woo Hoo!

Just a quick reminder to all Simpsons fans, the new season of The Simpsons starts this Sunday at 8pm EDT.

Theories on time travel

Since next episode will be discussing time travel in television, movies and games, I feel that I should review a couple of theories on time travel.
The first one I'm going to discuss is referred to as "Whatever happened, happened", or WHH for short. What this theory says is that no matter what you do you can't change the past. Everything that you are doing you have always done. Let me clarify by using the example used in the movie "Twelve Monkeys".
A man is sent to the past to collect spiders but is accidentally sent too far into the past. He has a couple of more time travel journey and is soon convinced he has imagined the whole thing. He is met by his friend and is told he has to assassinate somebody transporting a highly dangerous virus, which caused the few remaining humans to live underground. While rushing at the man with the gun the police shoot him down, cause the events he witnessed in his past.
Another theory is that you can change the past. The popular "Back to the future" trilogy took this approach. The problem that I have with this theory when used in science fiction is that they always give you an alloted time period to fix things, which in the real world would have an instant effect. This theory is referred to as "The butterfly effect".
The next theory that I will be discussing is the multiply timelines theory. What this says is that you can go to the past and cause a different set of events to occur, but that isn't changing your universe. Instead it is creating a parallel universe. So the popular "grandfather paradox" is irrelevant since you won't be preventing your birth, just the birth of an alternate version of your self.
The final theory that I will be touching on is "Course correction". This theory says that even is you change one thing the universe will have it so that you're change has minimum effect. For example if you kill Bill Gates another man will open a successful computer and software company.
That's all I have for today. Come back tomorrow for the next post, and be sure to tune into my podcast on October 2 at 7:30pm. Link to the podcast page is below. Thank you for reading.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Website update

I am having a little difficulty coming up with an idea about what to put on the website besides links to the podcast and blog. Since you will be the ones going to the website I feel that it should have something that you want. If you have any suggestions please email me at

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hi everybody. This is the official blog of my podcast "Faradays Geekcast" on talkshoe. I will hopefully be updating this blog frequently, and I'm even working on an official site for the podcast as well. The website is still in the early stages of production so it may be a while until I make it public. I will be keeping the website simple but I believe that it will still be a nice website.

For those of you interested the podcast is about almost anything that I, or the callers, wish to talk about. Some subjects that I already plan on talking about are science fiction in movies, games and television, new shows coming out this season, and much more. The podcast will be a bi-monthly podcast, and anyone that wishes can call in, or just email the show at Well that's all I have for now, I'll be leaving a link to the podcast's talkshoe page below. I hope to see you there.