Friday, October 1, 2010

Bad Weather, podcast update, and a video

It's been raining all week here in New York. Fortunately it seems that today was supposedly the last day of this horrid storm. I don't know how it's been like in other states, but be happy you don't live in New York right now (unless if your weather was worse than ours).

I have an announcement pertaining to the podcast that I feel important to say now, and repeat on the podcast tomorrow. If I stay on a schedule the podcast will be unable to reach it's full potential and just die off. So I will only be having an episode whenever I have a topic that I feel like discussing, or if a subject was requested by a listener. You can be notified of upcoming episodes by following it's twitter The_Geekcast. For those of you that want to suggest an episode topic you can email me at, or at the facebook page

Finally I leave you with this video I found on youtube. Enjoy.

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