Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My diet so far

I believe it was earlier this month when I said that I would try and improve my life style, and so far I'm doing moderately good. I managed to drop a notch on my belt.
The way I managed to do this is by exercising more and eating less sugar. Now before it comes off as saying I went to the gym I want to say I didn't step a foot in the gym. Why, because I'm lazy. When I said exercise I meant little things in your day to day life. If you take the train, walk to the next station. If you usually take an escalator take the stairs. When you wake up, do a couple of push ups.
I have also been more energetic this month.

I also have one last thing to say before I end this post, I will be having a live call in episode this Saturday at 6:30pm. If you want a link to my talkshoe page, look at one of the earlier posts.

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