Sunday, October 17, 2010

Top five time travel shows/movies

I was looking on the internet for a good movie about time travel. Most of what I found was just a top 10 list, so I decided to make my top 5 list. Let's begin:

5. The girl who leapt through time- Despite that this movie is anime it's still fairly good. It's about a girl who accidentally gets the ability to jump through time by leaping, literally leaping.

4. Back to the future- I don't think I need to describe this movie to anyone.

3. Twelve monkeys- This movie is about a man who is accidentally sent to the wrong time period, and after several jumps attempts to change the past. In doing so, however, he ends up causing the events he was trying to prevent.

2. The time machine (2002)- This is the 2002 remake of the movie about the book. I haven't seen the original movie, but the remake was really good. It's about a man who makes a time machine attempting to save his girlfriend, but no matter what he does she ends up dying anyway. He then goes to the future to learn why he can't change the past, but after one jump he hit's his head and the time machine goes to 8,000,000 A.D.
I'm not going to tell you how it ends.

1. LOST season 5- To me this is the only show that has utilized time travel to satisfaction.
After Ben turns the frozen donkey wheel under the Orchid station the Losties sporadically jumps through time until John Locke turns the wheel again, leaving the group in 1974. The Losties on the island joins the DHARMA Initiative, while those who left the island comes back and some land in 1977 while the rest land in 2007. After learning that the group has returned to the past, Daniel Faraday comes back to the island with a plan to change the past, to detonate Jughead, a hydrogen bomb from 1954, in the pocket of electromagnetism at the Swan site to prevent the incident.
It turns out that they were the ones that caused the incident, and after hitting the plutonium core at the bottom of a well, the group is transported back to 2007.

If any of these interest you, be sure to check them out.

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